What Coach Can & Cannot Do?

Coaching is really one of the best sciences and tools, and I personally consider it as one of the shortcuts for anyone to reach his goals and maximize his personal and professional potential.

But sometimes people just have the wrong expectations of coaching and their coach.

So, let’s just try to simplify and clarify what coach can and cannot support you with, specially the career coach which is my specialization in coaching.

Starting with What Your Career Coach Can Do

#1. Your Career Coach Can Help You Minimize Your Stress & Anxiety.

being in a job with a high level of stress and countless demands can be areal threat and bad for your self-esteem.

So, finding fulfillment in your job is an emotional process that takes time and requires some hard work The right coach can empower you to take actions and maintain your focus to reach your dreams.

#2. Your Career Coach Can Help You Draw Your Career Plan.

Following the coaching suitable process, taking the right assessments to know more about your strengths, weaknesses, skills and values to make sure you have a strong understanding of why you’re unhappy in your current job and why you need to take another way or even just to upgrade your current state.

All of that will help you have a realistic plan to work on.

#3. Your Career Coach Can Provide You with The Right Constructive, Honest & Unbiased Feedback.


Now Moving To What Coach Cannot Do

#1. Your Career Coach Can’t Do Your Work for You.

#2. Your Career Coach Don’t have a magic stick to Change Your Life Overnight.

#3. Your Career Coach Don’t Create Your Resume and To Get You a Job.

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